Bangyu Lan

Bangyu Lan 

Ph.D Student
Robotics and Mechatronics / Faculty of EEMCS, University of Twente (UTwente)

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About me

I am a Ph.D student from RAM Lab, University of Twente, supervised by Dr. Ir. Kenan Niu.

In my research, I am fond of exploring new directions for building robust, transferable and powerful robotics intelligence. Inspired by human's intention, perception, and kinematics, the working mechanism could be transferred from human to robotics.

Before joining RAM lab, I have one year research experience doing audio-visual generation using Deep Learning on Action Lab and DeFake Group, supervised by Dr. Yu Kong and Dr. Matthew Wright. I am deeply grateful to them for any guidance, efforts and supports! Hope everything is going well with them!

I received my bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering from School of Information Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology in 2020. I gain broad knowledge in various signals processing and system analysis there.


  • [2024-09] Start Ph.D career in UTwente!

  • [2024-04] Graduate as a Master Student, unlocking Ir. title!

  • [2024-04] One paper is accepted by MDPI Sensor!

  • [2024-03] One paper is accepted by BioRob 2024!

  • [2024-01] One paper is accepted by ICRA 2024!

  • [2023-02] Doing research about ultrasound signal recognition, supervised by Dr. Kenan Niu

  • [2022-09] Move to University of Twente for Master study

  • [2022-05] Pass the Research Potential Assessment for Ph.D. students!

  • [2021-09] Remote research on audio-visual generation task

  • [2021-05] I am happy to join in Action Lab and DeFake Group, RIT!

  • [2020-06] Receive the Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis and the HIT Outstanding Graduate Award!


  • Deep Learning based acoustic measurement approach for robotic applications on orthopedic.
    Bangyu Lan, Momen Abayazid, Nico Verdonschot, Stefano Stramigioli and Kenan Niu. ICRA 2024

  • Anatomical Region Recognition and Real-time Bone Tracking Methods by Dynamically Decoding A-Mode Ultrasound Signals.
    Bangyu Lan, Stefano Stramigioli and Kenan Niu. BioRob 2024

  • A Method to Track 3D Knee Kinematics by Multi-Channel 3D-Tracked A-Mode Ultrasound.
    Kenan Niu, Victor Sluiter, Bangyu Lan, Jasper Homminga, André Sprengers and Nico Verdonschot. MDPI Sensor

Working Experience

  • Research assistant at Action Lab and DeFake Group, RIT. (Sep. 2021 to Jan. 2023)
    Worked on DeepFake Generation.

Professional Activities

  • Conference Reviewer of ICRA2024, ICCV2022, CVPR2022, AAAI2022, ACM Multimedia2022, etc.

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant of the following courses:

  • 201200168, Segmentation and Visualisation, Spring 2024. at University of Twente

  • CSCI-631, Foundations of Computer Vision, Spring 2022. at Rochester Institute of Technology